The walk along the beach West from the centre was gorgeous. I saw a part of Malaga I haven't seen or haven't heard of. It was about 4 km of lovely walk with cafes and beaches and showers to wash off the golden sand and lots of interesting sculptures. There were people skateboarding and there were lovely cycle paths It was a really nice walk out of Malaga despite a fierce wind.
And then I got to a rather rundown bit but very quickly found a river and followed the river I think east until I got a bit stuck trying to get across it. The man in the hotel had told me that there was a bridge I could cross. But in fact it wasn't a bridge at all it was a pipe. So I had to go across one of the main motorways and that was definitely not legal and ended up with a rather awkward dilemma.
But just when I was thinking I was going to have to make a mad dash across the motorway I found a cafe and realised that I could actually get across on one of those funny metal bridges. So now I'm at the lovely Holiday Inn at the airport. Its really nice; the view from my window is dreadfully interesting not. And tomorrow morning I can walk from the hotel to the airport which is only about a kilometre away. So I only have to get up at 4 AM.
I don't really know what else to say. All good things must come to an end. This has been a really marvellous holiday done.