15.4 miles, 11.5 kg, sunshine and ice, no injury and a fine finish at the Three Crowns in Whaddon! Enough said.
Apart from the fact that I alway bicker with my husband about navigation when we walk together. He loves his GPS and I am a staunch (stubborn?) map and compass wench. It is bound to cause friction. But I am delighted that I managed the weight and the distance with no problems and none of the grumbling I had expected from my knee. I just need to build up to another 3 kg to account for 5 days worth of food and more water.
Here is another completely random picture of me and my husband Andrew at Stonehenge during the Winter Solstice this year. It was cold! I live about 15 miles from here and work about 1 mile away.
South America is really big and I have never been there. I am leaving the safety of my teaching job to explore 5 spanish-speaking countries and to walk in the footsteps of Charles Darwin on the Galapagos Islands. I am hoping that neither the perilous altitudes of Ecuador, the ravenous midges in the Peruvian rainforest or the crazy Bolivian bus drivers will kill me... I will doubtless meet other people on the edge of sanity who feel the need to wander away from safety. I hope we can be friends.
Cape Wrath Trail

Carrying 25 kg and feeling good
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