The train is at A Gudina.... It seems very strange to be here again. I keep passing places I recognise, and it seems so long ago that I was walking here even though it was only a few weeks ago.
I have this odd feeling my memories of the journey will be erased if I go backwards. I know thats impossible but something feels a bit wrong about going back to Madrid so quickly and easily when the trip out to Fisterra was so much slower and harder.
Next stop..... Puebla de Sanabria.
I have a sort of Bilbo Baggins feeling too about going home. He must have felt bigger and different in some way when he got back to Bag End. I think I feel a bit stronger as well; in any case I certainly have intentions to be an improvement on the Rachel who left home on 6 August. I have made a few private resolutions.
South America is really big and I have never been there. I am leaving the safety of my teaching job to explore 5 spanish-speaking countries and to walk in the footsteps of Charles Darwin on the Galapagos Islands. I am hoping that neither the perilous altitudes of Ecuador, the ravenous midges in the Peruvian rainforest or the crazy Bolivian bus drivers will kill me... I will doubtless meet other people on the edge of sanity who feel the need to wander away from safety. I hope we can be friends.
Cape Wrath Trail

Carrying 25 kg and feeling good
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